Baseball Evaluations: January 14th and 15th on Field 2.
All players who anticipate being drafted on a AA, AAA, or Majors team are REQUIRED to attend one evaluation session. Failure to attend an evaluation session may result in disqualification from All-Stars consideration. If you registered your player for Tee Ball, Single A, or are a Majors player rostered on a Majors team in Spring 2024 (not Fall), you are not required to attend.
Player Last Name A - H: Tuesday, January 14th
Ages 7 & 8: 6pm
Ages 9 & 10: 7pm
Ages 11 & 12: 8pm
Player Last Name I - Z: Wednesday, January 15th
Ages 7 & 8: 6pm
Ages 9 & 10: 7pm
Ages 11 & 12: 8pm
Please arrive 15 minutes prior to your player’s age-based time slot. Your player’s actual age and their Little League age may be different. Take a look at the Baseball Age Chart to determine your son’s Little League age here.
Softball Evaluations: Wednesday, January 15th!
All softball players must be evaluated for the Spring Season. Use your daughter’s actual age and arrive promptly at the time below on Wednesday, January 15th.
Ages 5 - 10: 6pm on Field 6
Ages 11 - 16: 7pm on Field 5